Militant Muslims Challenge FBI & U Cal Authorities

FBI: agent was investigating vehicle when confronted by Muslim student" story from Bakersfield Californian, courtesy JihadWatch

"The agent blew his siren and used the cars PA system to warn" the group, the (FBI) bureau said in a statement. "

At that point, it was clear that this was a law enforcement vehicle. At least one person threw or placed a cinder block under the law enforcement vehicle," Eimiller said.

Hugh Fitzgerald of JihadWatch comments: "The story is telling. Muslims in Europe long ago showed they are willing to confront the forces of order, to disobey them, to vandalize, to threaten, to beat to death Infidels who happen to be around (two Frenchmen were so murdered), to kidnap and torture an Infidel (Mr. Halimi), to do whatever it is they wish to do. They are not intimidated. The people in the story above were clearly not intimidated. They were perfectly willing to attempt to harm this FBI agent, who had identified himself, and who, furthermore, had done nothing at all except conduct some surveillance.

This is a test case. The test is of the FBI, and of Congress, and of the federal government. We are waiting.

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